
Quantum Computing: The Next Frontier and What Needs to Happen First

14 August 2024


Zaker Adham

In 1947, Bell Labs invented the transistor, a breakthrough that eventually led to the microprocessor, the internet, and the digital age. Today, we stand on the brink of another transformative era with quantum computing.

Quantum computers promise to solve highly complex problems at unprecedented speeds, potentially revolutionizing entire industries. Even those not directly using quantum computers will benefit, from more effective medications to sustainable construction materials. The potential applications are vast, and as we innovate, we must also ensure a safe and prosperous quantum future.

The Potential of Quantum Computing

Quantum computers leverage quantum physics, allowing particles to exist in multiple states simultaneously. This enables them to perform calculations exponentially faster than traditional binary computers. A sufficiently advanced quantum computer could solve problems in hours that would take today's supercomputers centuries.

Quantum computers excel at simulating complex systems, from microscopic to global scales. They could accelerate the development of new molecules, reducing the costs and time associated with drug discovery and industrial processes. They could also optimize global networks, making logistics and telecom systems more efficient and sustainable. While these applications are not yet feasible, rapid advancements suggest that large-scale quantum computers could solve real industrial problems by the 2030s.

Challenges to Overcome

To unlock quantum computing's potential, we must address three main challenges: stability, entanglement, and scalability.


Stability: Quantum bits, or qubits, are highly sensitive to environmental variations, leading to high error rates. Stabilizing or error-correcting qubits is essential for practical use.


Entanglement: Quantum computers rely on entangled qubits working together. We need methods to connect hundreds of thousands of qubits to communicate and interact predictably.


Scalability: Current quantum computers require large, energy-intensive support systems. We must develop more efficient systems or interlink multiple small quantum computers to achieve greater computing power.

Quantum Security

As quantum computing advances, so does the need for quantum security. A cryptographically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) in the wrong hands could render many encryption methods ineffective. Regulatory agencies worldwide are setting mandates for quantum-safe solutions to ensure the security of critical systems.

Quantum-safe networks (QSN) are being developed to protect data and reduce risks. These networks use multiple layers of cryptography to enhance security and trust. Technologies like quantum key distribution (QKD) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) are being deployed to secure communications.

Global Efforts

Key institutions and proactive enterprises are preparing for a quantum future. For example, Nokia is working with Greece's national research network to advance a quantum-safe network infrastructure. Belgium's Proximus and Portugal's IP Telecom are also establishing quantum-safe connectivity. In Singapore, SPTel and Singtel are collaborating on quantum-safe solutions to enhance cybersecurity.

Preparing for the Quantum Future

Quantum computers are poised to bring significant changes across various sectors. While challenges remain, progress is rapid. Ensuring data protection against quantum threats is crucial, and existing tools and practices can provide the necessary security.

The future of quantum computing lies in the synergy of expertise, innovation, and collaboration. As we approach a quantum-secure economy, trust in our digital infrastructure is paramount. Our readiness will determine the impact of this quantum future on our lives.

Let's embrace this quantum future with anticipation and preparedness. The future is quantum, and it is closer than we think.